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tulisan yang ku tulis untuk mendeskripsikan perjalananku....

Mengenai Saya

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banyak hal yang saya rasakan ketika menulis... saya suka menulis,dulu, sekarang dan saya ingin terus dapat menulis selagi saya bisa.. walaupun saya tidak tahu isi dari tulisan saya.. setidaknya ketika saya menulis saya menemukan identitas diri saya..

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


from TODAY, the family altar
Bob Heerspink
Rev. Reginald Smith and Rev. David Den Haan

And God saw that it was good

Genesis 1: 10

It's important to start the day with breakfast. Our body need energy and nourishment, so a good breakfast can make the difference between a productive day or an exhausting day. But many North Americans run out of their homes and grab a doughnut and coffee on their way to begin their day. for them, a good breakfast has become an convenient, and by mid-morning their energy levels are low. their body need refueling.
How do you begin your day? Who do your start your day with?
A good day begins with the one true God. God launched time and history by creating something out of nothing. And the earth was in no shape to do nothing until god shaped it into something god and beautiful. god spoke, and darkness hid. god brought order to a universe caught in formlessness and emptiness. God enjoys giving its needs supplies of provision and purpose. Each day God enjoys giving us our needed supplies too. God created us in His image, and we are at our best when we begin our day with God.
God has created us to be a blessing, and He is work in us. "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philipians 1:6). Are you working with God today?.....


Dear Lord, help us begin this day with You. Thank you for giving us what we need for each day. Give us our daily bread, we pray, and help us to work with You...
In Jesus, Amen....

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