welcome to my blog... sweet strawberry's diary..

tulisan yang ku tulis untuk mendeskripsikan perjalananku....

Mengenai Saya

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banyak hal yang saya rasakan ketika menulis... saya suka menulis,dulu, sekarang dan saya ingin terus dapat menulis selagi saya bisa.. walaupun saya tidak tahu isi dari tulisan saya.. setidaknya ketika saya menulis saya menemukan identitas diri saya..

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Ready or not there must be a probability in life….

Try to talk about life will not find the words of end… there’re many interesting things to talk…  so many things should learn for… Sometimes, in some cases I deny that in life the probability is exist… when I really love someone or something... I strongly deny the probability that someone I love or something I love could go or leave us…. Why I do that… because I realize it could hurt me… really hurt me… but, by the time goes on… now I know… I should ready for any other probability… you know... it may sound strange …. But, yeah... I learn step by step to understand by undergo all things that going on in my life...  sometimes it feels such as an excruciating things… but from that, I learn how to be a strong…. How to be a wise… how to be mature… how to find delight in a darkness time…. Because in our life we decide our way and we are the only one that well-known of our self… God prepares our fate… I believe there is something that we can’t change… it called fate… but I do believe to… there is something we can change… God will give the best for someone who wants to do the best too…

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