welcome to my blog... sweet strawberry's diary..

tulisan yang ku tulis untuk mendeskripsikan perjalananku....

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
banyak hal yang saya rasakan ketika menulis... saya suka menulis,dulu, sekarang dan saya ingin terus dapat menulis selagi saya bisa.. walaupun saya tidak tahu isi dari tulisan saya.. setidaknya ketika saya menulis saya menemukan identitas diri saya..

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

hi... this is my room...:D

these stuffs are always in my bag when I'm hanging out or going to somewhere...:D
this is place that i do all the tasks from my lecturer and i usualy use this table for study.... :D
almost time i spend in here.... my sweet little room..

okay, this is my keyboard... hehhe.... looks like funny because i don't have keyboard stand so i use woody chair to hold it.. :''D
it always be my friend when i get bored with all o
f tiring activities all day... this is old keyboar YAMAHA PSR E 223 series... it lies at south side room...
nah, this is my bed ... I have three favorite dolls... colored yellow bananas I named Yellow, adorable dog stuff i called brownie .. then stuffed bunny who wore purple clothes I named Hoho ... :) nice to see you all guys... there're some book that always company me..

1 komentar:

  1. yakin tuh bisa belajar di meja yang penuh kayak gitu?? hehehe...
    wah,, hi hoho,, (the purple one) i can't wait to meet you at veni's room.. hehehe
