welcome to my blog... sweet strawberry's diary..

tulisan yang ku tulis untuk mendeskripsikan perjalananku....

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
banyak hal yang saya rasakan ketika menulis... saya suka menulis,dulu, sekarang dan saya ingin terus dapat menulis selagi saya bisa.. walaupun saya tidak tahu isi dari tulisan saya.. setidaknya ketika saya menulis saya menemukan identitas diri saya..

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

the reason to make me smile (kimmi smile.. :-*.. )

aku sangat suka dengan kata2 teman saya ini... dan kata2 ini benar benar punya andil yang besar dalam mengubah pandangan hidup saya... saya tidak pernah tau jalan hidup saya, yang saya tau ketika saya menghadapi suatu hal yang sungguh membuat saya kehilangan harapan Tuhan mempertemukan saya dengan orang2 luar biasa dan berbicara lewat mereka...
Hullo :)
So, personally I think being angry with someone is the most pointless thing in the world. Of course there are exceptions to that (i.e: if someone has killed someone else), but most of the time being angry with someone…is stupid.

I’ve had people completely screw me over.
My best friend for 14 years decided to call me up and tell me we weren’t friends anymore because she didn’t like my Youtube life/friends. I had a close friend sleep around with my boyfriend (not Adam) while we were dating. And, I’ve been cheated on by another boyfriend who I had dated for two years.
Yeah, all of these things hurt like crazy at the time, but I never got angry with these people, I was just hurt.

Infact I still love all of these people and wish nothing bad upon them. Why? Coz people make mistakes, people can’t help but make mistakes constantly and hurt other people, that’s just life. Being mad over things doesn’t help anyone or anything, it just hurts more people.
My best friend had no intentions of hurting me, she just didn’t know how to handle a certain situation and went about it the wrong way.
That boyfriend and my friend are still together, the reason I’m not mad with them is because I know people can’t control their feelings and they are completely in love with each other. I’m happy for them.
The boyfriend who cheated on me doesn’t really have an excuse, but he was a stupid kid who made a mistake, again, with no intentions to hurt me.
They’ve all apologised to me sincerely. :)
If people took a moment to try and understand someone elses point of view of a situation instead of only thinking about their own feelings, things would be much simpler. Holding grudges is pointless, it’s selfish and it only hurts yourself in the end anyway.
You can completely screw me over, but I will always be kind to you :)
There is a reason I am so happy all the time. ;)
Keep smiling, loves <3
Kimmi xx

so... semua orang mempunyai masalah dalam kehidupannya.. dan kunci yang utama adalah pada diri kita sendiri dan bagaimana kita menyikapinya... :) God bless U all...

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